CTF Team at the University of British Columbia

Maple Bacon 1337 Challenges

All flags will begin with the prefix maple{. You can find last year’s challenges here.

Note: Some challenges will require you to connect to a remote server. Netcat (abbreviated as nc) is a simple tool installable on Mac/Linux that makes this easy: connect to a server with nc <ip> <port>. Netcat is used mainly for remote, text-based connections. For example, entering the command nc 1337.maplebacon.org 1337 in your terminal will let you interact with the first part of the Pwn challenge.

If you’re using Windows, we highly recommend installing Windows Subsystem for Linux - feel free to ask for help if you’re having trouble setting anything up.

These 1337 challenges are designed to be approachable by beginners - our goal is to make them slightly challenging, exposing you to new CTF concepts without requiring advanced technical knowledge. Challenges with some harder concepts have additional resources or guides associated with them that explain prerequisite knowledge you may need. Remember: if you get stuck, join us in the #1337-challenges channel on our Discord to receive hints and share ideas with others!

Good luck!

Misc - counterfeit

Author: Lyndon

I found someone trying to counterfeit the maple bacon logo! something looks off, though…

Hint: if you look hard enough, you might find the original somewhere on this site…



Rev - What…?

Author: Aditya Adiraju

This is screwing with my head.


(Note: wrap the reversed output in maple{reversed_text_here})


Author: Aditya Adiraju

My program is hiding a secret from me. However, whenever I ask it a question, it just repeats it back to me :(

Connect to remote using: nc 1337.maplebacon.org 1337.




Web - baple macon

Author: Ming C. Jiang

my flag got chopped into three pieces and i forgot the password to my web server pls help me retrieve them thx http://1337.maplebacon.org




Crypto - MD5-CBC

Author: Lyndon

I just learned about MD5 and CBC today! I wonder what happens when you try and combine them. Someone told me my padding method is a little suspicious…

