CTF Team at the University of British Columbia

[Trendmicro 2021] OSINTⅡ 400

20 Sep 2021 by YiYang Lu

[Trendmicro 2021] OSINT Ⅱ - 400

main concept: code review, image stego, web, zero-width Steganography



The challenge came along with a README.txt, advisories.png, and pwnconfig-1.0.jar.

The challenge url is http://pwnieconfig.tmctf.trendmicro.com


The README.txt file is clearly encode in the hex, read the file and convert hex to bytes, we got the following information.

with open("README.txt","r") as f:

the message tell us the bug only found in v1.0. However the website that challenge provide with us is v2.0. So, need to find a way to access v1.0.

Advisory Date: Sept. 18th 2021

Dear Pwnieconfig Users,

A security update v2.0 has been published for Pwnieconfig. Please find attached the corresponding Pwnieconfig Security Advisory document.
Pwnieconfig v1.0 will reach end of life in 36hrs but until then, it has been archived so that you may still access your configuration files.
As part of our transparency policy, we have provided a lightweight model of the vulnerable version.

Pwnieconfig Team

After using dirmap to find possible entry of v1.0, I give up and decide to start code review.

code review

open pwnieconfig-1.0.jar

There are some easily spotted exploits.

Admin backend - login with out password


filename is used directly in the combination of file path

  • download file from upper directory using ../


configBase also combine directly with the directory

  • list upper level directory using ../



@Filip do the stego on the advisories.png and found two important information, the v1.0 are deployed in the archive subdomain. And the flag is encrypted using zero-width steganography.



use archive.pwnieconfig.tmctf.trendmicro.com to access v1.0 web with security issues.

using admin backend, we got the username and password (jeoqj/hisgqjqlcg)


then login the system, find the flag file location using list?configBase=../ and download the java class file http://archive.pwnieconfig.tmctf.trendmicro.com/download?id=-1&filename=../RetrieveFlag.class


after decompile the java class file. we get the flag content whiich is locate at /view/3ec4e19a-2a70-4aac-9893-ac3712473928/b64content

// Decompiled by Procyon v0.5.36

package com.tmctf.pwnieconfig.flag;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;

public class RetrieveFlag
    @GetMapping({ "/view/3ec4e19a-2a70-4aac-9893-ac3712473928/b64content" })
    public String content() throws IOException {
        final String note_fyi = "TrendCTF requires flag format";
        note_fyi.concat("to be formatted as TMCTF{flag}.");
        note_fyi.concat("Keep this in mind!");
        String b64_flag = "";
        final String salt = "ac3712473928";
        final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(new String[] { "python", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/4aac-9893/decoder.py", salt });
        final Process process = pb.start();
        final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
        final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        b64_flag = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(builder.toString().getBytes());
        return b64_flag;

after open the link. the webpage return a very long base64 string.

decode base64 string will get a string which encrypted with zero-width stego.


note that every 8 unicode character is separate by "\u200d"

so separate characters by "\u200d" and replace "\u200c" with 0 and "\u200b" with 1. we get the flag


data1 = base64.b64decode(data)
a = data1.decode()
# remove standard unicode character
for s in a:
    if ord(s) > 128:
unss = "".join(uns)
uns1 = unss.split("\u200d")
def replacer(s:str):
    return s.replace("\u200c","0").replace("\u200b", "1")
for s in uns1:
    sss = replacer(s)

# TMCTF{Jav@WebAppSpl0itzCh4inZ}